What do I want this year? Seems that Blogger has a built in spot in your profile for a Christmas list.
So I filled one out and here it is:
My Christmas List
It's cool cause you can sort it by price (least to most) or by date I entered it. Hint...the stuff I entered first is probably the stuff I like the best. :-)
That's it for my shameless Christmas list plug.
RE with list: "Viking 1GB USB 2.0 High-Speed Portable Flash Drive
$103.79 $107.78 - eCOST.com "
Yikes, that seems expensive. I got my 1gb thumb drive for $50 on sale at Fry's a few weeks ago!
--Kate (JediKai)
I, too, had a blog here but abandoned it because everyone was on LiveJournal.
Yeah, the problem with Froogle is I can't always find the stores I want (even if I can find the items) so I just tried to list the items and then let people know in the "Comments" section that they could get things cheaper elsewhere.
It ended up working pretty well. :-)
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