Thursday, October 14, 2004

It's been too long

Man. A lot has happened in a month. Why I haven't been doing entries lately, I have no idea.

I'm stuck at work "late" tonight, because we're supposed to have a morale event where we all go to a bar and have drinks. I appreciate the morale events that have something to do with food or adventure....but the ones at bars usually aren't very good. I'm not in the habit of getting drunk around my co-workers and management, so usually I just have a coke and a smile until it's time to go. I suppose I could get totally smashed, but then I'd probably blurt out something about hating my job and wishing that I could win the lottery so I could quit....or worse, I could make a politcally incorrect comment and get fired.  Gotta love those "morale" events.

Any way, after that, I'm headed down to see Super Deluxe at Neumos. I haven't seen them play in a year or two, so that should be a pretty darn good show. Speaking of shows.....last month I saw Weird Al a couple of times. I took a TON of pictures, and I have them at my website if anyone wants to check em out.

Here, Here and Here

Here's one of the cool ones from the Yakima show.




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